Urbana High School is the only high school serving the children of Urbana. Conveniently located on Race Street right beside Urbana Middle School, UHS houses a student body of over 1,100 diverse students who participate in an award-winning marching band, active sports teams, and innovative academic programs. Our Student Support Services department includes social workers, a psychologist, student engagement advocates (SEAs), clinical professionals (CPs), student interventionists (SIS), and school counselors. The primary task of these staff members is to address the social-emotional needs of our students. Having a conversation with any of these individuals can help to provide more insight into the challenges that your child may be facing and can assist us with designing the necessary supports.
Family Engagement at UHS
Parents and schools form a partnership that is needed for the success of all students. Parents play a critical role in their child’s education. It is, therefore, important that parents always feel free to contact teachers, coaches, counselors, school administrators, and any other staff member in order to collaboratively find the best plan available to assist in students’ success. There are many opportunities for parents to be involved and learn about Urbana High School whether through our volunteer program or our open-door classroom policy. Please contact UHS to learn more about these great opportunities, like Parent Teacher Student Association, Booster Clubs, Mentoring One-on-One, and more.
School Goals
School Improvement Goals
To increase student achievement across all demographic groups and all grade levels, as measured by on-track performances and graduation rate, by the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
As a School – staff will…
- Support school wide assessment initiatives that will assist us in setting relative goals for academic and social emotional success for all students.
- Engage in school improvement initiatives that will effectively support improving the culture and climate, equity work, curriculum and instruction, and social emotional learning of UHS.
As Family – parents/guardians will…
- Encourage daily student attendance.
- Take part in our educational system to find resources and support for their student(s) both socially and academically.
As a Student – students will…
- Attend classes daily and be on time.
- Engage in academically rigorous coursework at UHS to become college and/or career ready.
Literacy Goal: Improve student outcomes in literacy by targeting informational text as a place to work and grow students’ college and career readiness skills.
UHS Targets:
- Identify and utilize literacy specific strategies for informational text.
- Utilize common language specific strategies and their use.
- Utilize professional development to enhance literacy instruction across the curriculum.
- Students will understand and use the identified strategies in classroom lessons. MAP testing will reflect gains in the area of informational text and/or literacy.
Math Goal: Improve student outcomes in mathematical practices by improving the curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices for all teachers of mathematics.
UHS Targets:
- Students at each grade level will demonstrate positive growth on NWEA-MAP from fall to spring.
Social Emotional Learning Goal: During the 2023-2024 school year, we will increase our student participation in the Panorama Success Survey from 26% to 70% of our surveys completed by the Spring benchmark.
UHS Targets:
- Students will take the Panorama survey and communicate their diverse learning needs.
- Staff will be able to use reflective practice to assure our environment is supporting the whole student daily.
Attendance Goal: As of Spring May 2023, 33% of students are indicated in the critical attendance (attending 80% or less) category as seen in Panorama Student Success. By May 2024, 16% of students or less will be indicated in the critical attendance category.
UHS Targets:
- Students will engage in classroom instruction and will take ownership of their academic journey at UHS.
- Students will participate in school-wide incentives for meeting daily attendance goals both individually and school-wide.

Urbana High School
1002 S. Race Street
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 384-3505