Charles Atteberry | Library Media Specialist | Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 pm, Wednesday: 8 a.m. to 2:30pm
*Gale-Cengage Trial (3/12-4/11/25) Petersons Test & Career Prep (students check your student email for login information sent out on 3/13/25 or contact Mr. Atteberry in person or by email.
E-Resources: databases, ebooks & online encyclopedia
Issues & Controversies
Reliable information on controversial/debatable topics from Facts on File.
World Book Online
Brief, reliable information on all topics from the publishers of The World Book Encyclopedia.
A reference library of digital books covering many topics. Great for detailed, reliable information in literature, history, politics, science, religion, etc.
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints
This resource provides informed and differing viewpoints on hot topics through reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more.
Resources for papers, projects, and presentations that provide cross-curricular content on the most-studied topics in high school aligned with national and state curriculum standards.
Digital Resources
Salem Press
A small but significant collection of digital books, especially on literary authors, world cultures, and US history.
Swank K12 Streaming (Staff)
Swank K-12 Streaming, offers exclusive access to the largest single library of feature films, documentaries and foreign films available to K-12 schools for instructional support.
Infobase Books
A small but useful collection of digital books of on literary criticism and US history.
Use NoodleTools to create works cited pages, outlines and electronic notecards for your research projects. NoodleTools uses your Google SSO login.